"Health is Wealth". The physical and mental fitness are required for a good and prosperous life. A strong mind is created from a healthy body. The students should get exposure on both sports and cultural activities from the initial level itself. Our foundation focuses on creating a platform to showcase their tallent and skills. We are going to conduct sports and cultural day to offer a support for their abilities. The conduct of sports and cultural day alone will not develop them. So, we are providing classes on various games and coaching for sports activities through collaboration with various academies and centers.

The students who have good mental ability will be given assistance for participating in games and those who have physical abilities will be given assistance for sports activities. In order to create strong mind and body, nutritional food is necessary. Our foundation have a plan to supply necessary nutritional food to those who are poor.

India is a nation which is rich in tradition and culture. Our foundation are going to undertake necessary activities in order to protect the same. The traditional art forms and festivals are getting deteriorated day by day. So, it is essential to create a team to protect these valuable arts and traditions. Most of the students are highly talented in music, arts, playing instruments etc. The inbound talents of these students are to be developed to create a strong nation. We, Dr.Hodophile Foundation assures to bring all the inbound talents of the students community.