Our History

Our Foundation was established on 13th December, 2022 and it is registered as Non-Profit Organisation under Section 8 of Companies Act, 2013. The foundation has a clear vision and mission that will be achieved in the future.

The initiative for the Foundation was taken by Dhanesh Kumar who adopted teaching as his career, profession and passion. He is a person who loves travelling. The experience that he gained from travelling resulted in the foundation of this organization.

'Hodophile' means a person who loves to travel. The best teacher always teaches from their experience. The experience gained from real life is the true teacher and motivator. Students should gain knowledge through real-life practical experience. It is the duty and responsibility of a teacher to mould the students in all the aspects.

Education, Agriculture and Charity are the three core areas focused on by the organisation at present. Nowadays, all job seekers prefer 'white-collar' jobs and aspire to go abroad to earn money. As a result, the agricultural sector faces significant challenges. Students should learn how to engage in agricultural activities and actively participate in agriculture to protect the agricultural sector. Based on this view, the foundation emphasizes agriculture along with education.

Charity is another area on which the foundation focuses. Old age people are often neglected by their families and sent to old age homes, where they struggle to access food and other basic amenities of life. It is our duty to protect and take care of them. Students should take the initiative to take care for these people so that they, in turn, will take care of their parents in the future.

The foundation was formed based on these ideologies. As a registered non-profit organisation, its motive is to render service to society and the economy as a whole. The profits earned through this foundation will be solely spend for its development and growth purposes.